Way you are

Újra sínen…

Az első célokkal kapcsolatos blogpostom után januárban gyorsan megígértem egy másikat, azonban a mindennapok forgószele felkapott és csak egy dologra próbáltam fókuszálni: nem elveszíteni a fejemet. Ez többé-kevésbé sikerült is. (Ha a kollégáimat kérdezitek ők inkább azt mondanák, hogy kevésbé). De sebaj! Emberből vagyok én is. Continue reading

Ditch perfectionism, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!

“If what we want to do is heal ourselves first, so that then we can go in search of our dreams, we will never reach paradise. If, on the other hand, we accept all that is wrong about us – and despite it, believe that we are deserving of a happy life – then we will have thrown open an immense window that will allow Love to enter”. /Coelho/

Yesterday I had a business call with a colleague in our New York office. I do not remember the full conversation, but we talked about perfectionism vs. good enough. This topic has been on my “to-do-list” for ages – as a perfectionist no surprise there –, so almost a year after my last blog post let me share my thoughts with you. Continue reading

I let it go…

I had no clue why I was crying my heart out during watching the movie, Me before you in the cinema. Maybe you think it was just an ’Oh-that-is-so-cute’-type of cry, but NO! Neither a ’poor-supercute-hyperrich-megasuccessful-guy-what-a-shame-that-he-has-to-live-his-life-in-a-wheelchair-after-a-motorcycle-accident’-type of cry. I felt the pain in my chest, weeping as I would have lost somebody too. The sobbing held me tightly till the end of the movie and as they turned on the lights I ran out of the room like an ostrich, my head on my chest to remove the remains of the cried-down makeup, before somebody would think that I compete for the role of Joker at the audition of the new Batman movie. Continue reading

Yes! I am a Woman!

Today I went into the gym again. If you know me, you may also know that there is nothing special about that. Since I was born I always did some sport and the gym has always been my sacred place on every continent I lived. But today on a usual gym day something unusual happened there. I looked around in the women changing-room and a sudden current of energy and feeling inundated me. I felt that I am proud to be a WOMAN! Continue reading

Ahogy vagy! / Just the way you are



– Én? Ez milyen kérdés? Persze, hogy tudok szeretni. Szeretem a testvéremet, szeretem a páromat, házastársamat, szeretem a családomat. Szeretem a barátaimat. Egész nap dolgozok, gürcölök, hogy mindenük meglegyen. Tele vagyok szeretettel. Hiszen megteszek értük mindent. Megadok nekik mindent, ami tőlem telik. Igen! Szeretem őket.

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